Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ugh. Blog upkeep and other schenannegains

I have soooo muchhhhhhh stuff to blog about. And soooooo many pictures to get off my camera. (like 400)

Life in a nutshell.

1. Went to Burningman. Fun. Celebrated my 1 year anniversary. FUN
2. Went to Lake Powell for Powellapalooza. Fun.
3. Halloween. Fun. (3 costumes later, haunted house-going, and parties every weekend in October)
4. Moved into a beautiful, picturesque, amazing, AWESOME house up the top of Emigration Canyon. Fun. Except the wild, terretorial moose friend who lives in my yard. He kind of scares me.
5. Adopted a little black kitten from the shelter and named him Poe. Love times infinity.
6. I went horseback riding with my parents for the first time in 10 years. Accomplished! I miss it and my parents are still the best parents in the world.
7. Went to a million shows. Fun.
8. Made amends. Necessary.
9. Read books and have survived without a TV for 2 years. Accomplished. (and the internet for 4 months, with the exception of interwebbing at my work)
10. Have been going on a ton of outdoor adventures. Happy.

There will be pictures I promise. For now, be happy with my update dammit!

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