Wednesday, June 29, 2011


So. As most of you know, or should know, I make feather earrings.

Like the ones on my website, like so:

Anyway. I purchase most of my feathers on eBay. Since the feather hair extension craze, these feathers are damn near impossible to get at my local store which is where I used to purchase them :/ On to the moral of the story....

READ THE ENTIRE EBAY LISTING PEOPLE. I thought I was bidding on 12 beautiful feathers, and I got ONE feather. ONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE feather. And not only did I pay $7.00 for ONE feather, I also paid $4.00 for them to ship me ONE feather.

That was one expensive feather. And one expensive lesson learned.

Things that cost me $11.00 that would have been substantially more cooler:
1. A chai-cicle from Beans and Brews with a jalepeno bagel.
2. Endless supply of Otter Pops
3. I could have gone to the Liberty Park pool 5 times.
4. I could have bought 2 giant kombuchas from Whole Foods.
5. Lemon tea bread from Whole Foods (mouthgasm)
6. Bought a cheap hooker
7. 30 goldfish from Petco
8. 1 Victoria Secret panty
9. I could have bought 1/100th of Sphynx cat.
10. 11 things from the dollar store.

Ugh. Boo Andrea! Boo!

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